Monday, June 6, 2011


Photobucket so let's just say i have been away thinking. a lot has gone on in the month of may, and i guess you could say it lead to a personal "shut-down". just some space, time to breathe, time to clear my head, time to help, time to think. it is not as if there has not been stuff to talk or write about, but i think in life we just all need a break sometimes and maybe my month of may was it. every now and then i often find i am at a loss for words to describe a certain way that i am feeling, or thinking. the other week i came across the above quote and it was like, "aaahhh...FINALLY some sweet inspiration". i just LOVE this. thank you for re-energizing my heart. right now i am just in between a lot of things. photography, projects, wellness, weddings etc. it has been really good and for the first time in a while i just am feeling really content. not necessarily caught up by any means, but just content. today i actually took 20 minutes and just laid outside on the grass. i closed my eyes and really listened to the wind, the birds, the calm. it was so nice and i just truly felt grateful for that moment. grateful that the sun was out, grateful that their was a beautiful breeze to compliment and ride on it's rays. happy that i had the afternoon to do that and blessed that i took the chance to do so. Photobucket happy is also an upcoming celebration. one of my best friends will be getting married in a few short weeks and i cannot be happier, or luckier, that i get to be a part of her big day and watch her become a brand new wife. it is a very exciting time and i am really looking forward to the big day. i have also been busy posting some photography love on my life artistry photography blog. beautiful families celebrating themselves, one of my most favorite things. :)

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About Me

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Lac La Biche, Alberta, Canada
I am just a simple girl with an absolute passion for life. I love celebrating this passion through my photography, scrapbooking, relationships...whatever it may be that makes me happy! I just want to live everyday with meaning and purpose and a great sense of gratitude for everything I have been blessed to have and experience!



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